
Wednesday 20 February 2013

Online Success in Creating Quality Blogs For Freelancers

People are creating blogs on a daily basis. They are 175,000 blogs created worldwide per day but 95% of the blogs end up being abandoned. The reasons as to why the blogs fail to succeed are:
Money - Majority of bloggers rush to monetize their blog. Well, let me say this it takes a lot of time, strategy and hard work before you earn a dollar.
Lack of Time - Creating a post takes time investment. It takes time to research, set up links, choosing photos, SEO, proofreading and promoting.
Rushing to Build Traffic - You are not patient especially when it comes to generating traffic. You want your blog to generate huge traffic when it's still one year old. You should focus on creating solid content, proper SEO methods and promotions. Don't look at your analytics every ten minutes, it will drive you nuts.
Setting Unrealistic Goals - Expectations created by people that anyone can do this with little or no effort.
You are focused on yourself - When blogging, the reader does not care about your products or services. They care about you solving their problems and getting access to great information.
Most successful blogs are easy to read, simple to understand and straight to the point. But, after doing thorough research about how blogs end up being successful, I realized that the blog creators have several things in common or share these three secrets: Attitude, Confidence and Destiny
Attitude is the tendency to respond positively or negatively towards a certain idea, object, person, or situation. Attitude influences an individual's choice of action and responses to challenges, incentives and rewards. When writing posts in your blog, you must choose to focus your attention on what you can do and what you will achieve online. Your blog is the product and result of your choices. You always have a choice. You can choose to let the current statistics of 95% failure rate on blogs affect you or you can choose to look for opportunities in the face of adversity and challenge. Remember, you are targeting online users or freelancers that are figuring out how they can start their own online businesses or look for freelance jobs. The readers are looking at you as an online jobs freelance mentor. If they sense that you have a positive attitude, they will keep on referring to your post and they will each create a back link to your post.
Confidence is generally described as a state of being certain of either a prediction is correct or that a chosen course of action is the best or the most effective. When you create a blog and struggle to keep writing, that's when confidence begins. You need confidence in life to make difficult decisions, attract friends and to stand out in this increasingly competitively world. In confidence writing, readers can tell if you are confident with yourself. Once they sense that you have that quality, then they will start commenting or sharing your blog posts. When applying confidence in writing blogs, you need to read widely in new genres and formats, and not just within your own area of expertise. Seeing how other authors formulate their paragraphs and project meaning will help formulate structures in your own mind. The more widely you can read the more expansive your points of reference and the influences you can draw on when you sit down to put pen to paper. Therefore, the more you write, the more confident you will be in online writing.
Destiny is the hidden power believed to control what will happen in the future. In other words destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for; it is a thing to be achieved. Before deciding to become an online freelance writer you must ask yourself this type of questions," Do I have enough commitment to make this work? Do I have enough passion for this to continue when the going gets tough?" You must know your overall purpose in life. It can take years for the answer to come. What makes a blog successful is that the writer knows his or her overall purpose in life. You cannot wake up in the morning and say that you will create a blog about cars and your passion is painting. For you to determine your destiny, you must think hard and look for a passion. Then write about it. Most of these online users are looking for advice about freelance jobs and when they visit your blog, they can sense if you are passionate about what you are writing about or not.

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